Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The writers strike and you

What does all this fuss over the Writers Strike mean to you?

Why, it means some killer new television shows you're sure to love.

Parking Wars is an instant classic waiting to happen. It goes deep inside the Philadelphia Parking Authority and shows the people that hand out tickets. Wow. Set your TIVO now! A must see.

Make Me A Supermodel sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it? How else can we increase the population of Bulimics in this country? They're a dying breed.

Ghost Hunters International When believing in fake shit in your own Country just isn't good enough.

Television. Writers free since October 31, 2007 and it shows.


Anonymous said...

ghost hunters international sounds like it'll be a huge hit. especially with football fans.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, these shows have Mid-Western mouth breather written all over them.