Friday, January 4, 2008

Death Community Pool - 2008

People you can expect to not see hit New Years 2009. Have your own list?

Bob Barker - He's 84 and retired with nothing to do. Idle hands are the devils plucking ground.

Keith Richards - Sure he's fermented and preseved but he's also 64 years old, 80 pounds and full of more toxins than an unfiltered cigarette.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian AKA Dr. Death - He was just let out of prison but he's terminally ill with Hepatitis C and weighs even less than Keith Richards.

Phyllis Diller - She's 90! That's all you need to know.

Jack LaLanne - He's 93 and still works out 2 hours a day. A heart was only built to take so much. As a side note from a lazy person - go relax on the couch with a bag of chips you freak!

Now for some upset specials:

Steve-O - Sure, he's only 33 but if you know him from Jackass then you'd know he isn't long for this world. Not to mention he seems drunk 24/7.

Michael Jackson - One of these days more than his nose is going to slide off him. And TMZ will be there.

Britney Spears - Train wreck. Just tonight was in a police stand off over her kids and was taken to the hospital for psych evaluation.

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